Traditionally the order of who sits at the top table at a wedding is left to right, chief bridesmaid, groom’s father, bride’s mother, groom, bride, bride’s father, groom’s mother, best man.
However you can have whoever you want sat at the top table, it’s your wedding! A lot of the weddings I perform at it is usually just the parents, but it is always a mix, my personal favourite is just the bride and groom!
Hi, I’m Roger Lapin a Wedding Magician based in Hampshire UK
Who sits where at a wedding reception?
Traditionally the bride and groom and their parents and the maid of honour and best man would sit at the top table, then all your guests are sat at tables with usually the most important family / friends closer to the top table.
This however can cause some issues and some couples just choose to spread everyone evenly around the room.
The seating plan at a wedding is one of the most stressful parts of planning your wedding!
Do parents sit at the head table at a wedding?
Yes, traditionally parents sit at the head table at a wedding with the bride and groom, but if there are challenges with parents, and separations and re-marriage etc some couples just sit at the top table on their own.